Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Doubletree Phoenix Tempe
Registration: 7:00 AM
Program: 7:30 - 9:00 AM
While recognized by all as Valentine's Day, Arizonans cherish it as Statehood Day; thus, in celebration of Arizona's 106th Birthday, the February 14th Environmental Issues Breakfast Meeting will feature a robust discussion regarding the opportunities for Arizona to obtain state primacy of two key environmental programs.
A brief background of the two programs will be provided by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, followed by an open dialogue amongst all to discuss the associated challenges, concerns and benefits with the process and assumption of the programs. This is a perfect opportunity to hear from one another, seek clarification from the agency, etc. on these issues; and it is imperative for ADEQ to receive your feedback.
A Dialogue Regarding the Opportunity to Obtain State Primacy of the Clean Water Act Section 404 Dredge and Fill Program (CWA 404) and the Underground Injection Control (UIC) permit program.
Trevor Baggiore, Water Quality Division Director, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
Trevor Baggiore has been serving as ADEQ’s Water Quality Division Director since February 2015. In this position, he helps advance the Water Quality Division’s mission to protect and enhance public health and the environment by ensuring safe drinking water and reducing the impact of pollutants discharged to surface water and groundwater.
Trevor has been with ADEQ since 2001. Prior to moving to the Water Quality Division in September 2014 to serve as its Deputy Director, he served in ADEQ’s Air Quality Division as Unit Manager and Section Manager for six years and then as the Deputy Director for four years.
Trevor is a proud Arizona State University Alum having received from there his Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering in 2001; and his Master’s Degree in Business Administration in 2006. Additionally, he is a registered professional engineer in Arizona.
Members: $40 | Non-Members: $55
Doubletree Phoenix Tempe
2100 S Priest Dr. | Tempe, AZ 85282