Future of Arizona Democracy: Balancing Ballot Access and Accuracy

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Name: Future of Arizona Democracy: Balancing Ballot Access and Accuracy
Date: November 9, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM MST
Registration: Register Now
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Join Kirk Adams, former Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, Lisa Marra, Cochise County Elections Director, John Fortier, an Elections Expert at the American Enterprise Institute, and Eileen Klein, former Arizona State Treasurer and President Emeritus of the Arizona Board of Regents for a discussion surrounding Arizona's elections process and the future of Arizona's Democracy. This event is hosted by the Arizona Junior Fellows and the ASU School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership.
Arizona State University
Memorial Union
301 E Orange St Tempe AZ 85281
Turquoise Room (2nd Floor)
Date/Time Information:
Tuesday, Nov. 9th at 5:00pm
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