Environmental Issues Breakfast - Oct. 12, 2016

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Name: Environmental Issues Breakfast - Oct. 12, 2016
Date: October 12, 2016
Time: 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM MST
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:





Sheraton Phoenix Airport Hotel Tempe


Arizona Water Discussion

Troy Hayes, Assistant Water Services Director | City of Phoenix


Troy Hayes, Assistant Water Services Director for the City of Phoenix, oversees Engineering and Operations for the city's water utility, ensuring reliable delivery of high quality tap water to 1.5 million customers. Over his 15 year career at the city, Troy has held the positions of Deputy Director of Water Production and Water Quality. He has also been responsible for engineering, and operations, and maintenance activities at the city's six water treatment facilities. 

Nicole Gonzalez Patterson | www.protectflows.com


Nicole Gonzalez Patterson joined Protect the Flows in 2014 as the Arizona State Director. She is an experienced attorney, with strong public policy, advocacy and government relations experience, and strong ties to the business community in Arizona. As an advocate, Nicole brings over 8 years of developing, building and managing coalitions, and experience leading stakeholder groups. Nicole is working to engage the business community in Arizona on water issues and specifically on the Colorado River. She can be reached at nicole@pattersonpublicaffairs.com.




Members: $40 | Non-Members: $55

Sheraton Phoenix Airport Hotel Tempe
1600 S. 52nd Street | Tempe, AZ 85281



Sheraton Phoenix Airport Hotel Tempe
1600 S. 52nd Street, Tempe, 85281
Date/Time Information:
Registration & Breakfast: 7:00 AM
Program: 7:30 AM
Members: $40
Non-Members: $55
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