Upcoming Events
Environmental Issues Breakfast - May 10, 2017
WEDNESDAY, May 10, 2017
Sheraton Phoenix Airport Hotel Tempe
Registration: 7:00 AM
Program: 7:30 - 9:00 AM
Capitol Hill Update
Congressman Paul Gosar, (R AZ-4th District)
Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S., is serving his fourth term in Congress as the Representative for Arizona’s Fourth Congressional District. First elected in 2010, he came to Congress with no prior political experience. Paul believes that the Constitution is the cornerstone of our Republic, and pursues policies that allow for more individual liberty and less government involvement. He has focused his legislative work on natural resources issues and government accountability. Both areas stem from his work on the House Committee on Natural Resources and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Dr. Gosar is Chairman of the Natural Resources Energy and Minerals Subcommittee and Vice-Chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Interior Subcommittee.
Toxic Release Inventory Reporting (TRI), (Form R)
Angela Baranco, OECA Certification & ICIS Enforcement Information Manager, EPA Region 9
Toxic Release Inventory Reporting is an annual EPA regulatory reporting requirement for industrial facilities involved in manufacturing, processing or otherwise using certain hazardous chemicals. This report is due on July 1st of each year for the previous calendar year. In an effort to assist facilities in preparing this report and to answer any questions, Angela Baranco from EPA Region 9 will present on this reporting requirement including the mechanics of how to prepare and submit the report how to determine which chemicals must be reported and how the reported information is used.
Members: $40 | Non-Members: $55
Sheraton Phoenix Airport Hotel Tempe
1600 S. 52nd Street | Tempe, AZ 85281